Adopt-A-Catch Basin.

Help keep streets clean while preventing flooding in your community.

Learn how to sign up and adopt.

Follow the link to get step-by-step instructions on how to sign up and how to adopt your own catch basin.

Learn how to update the status.

Follow the link to get step-by-step instructions on how to update the status of your catch basin.

How It Works


Join Community.

Create your identity and review the volunteer resources.

Adopt A Basin.

Identify and name the catch basins you would like to adopt.

Check Regularly.

Clear debris from catch basin before rain events.

Keep Track.

Check-in when you clean your basin or report issue as they arise.



How often should I check my catch basin?

We ask residents to check their catch basins weekly and before major rain events. Don’t worry, we’ll email you whenever rain is in the forecast.

What is the best way to clean the catch basin?

It’s a good idea to wear bright colors or a reflective vest if you have one. Clean your catch basin with a broom and dust pan, or by hand with gloves. Cleaning up to 10 ft around your basin and disposing of all debris into a garbage bag is recommended.

Should I ever remove the grate?

No! Never remove the grate. If there is debris that you can’t reach, mark the inlet as “clogged” and someone from the Public Works department will come to clear the inlet.


What should I do if water doesn’t flow into the catch basin even after it has been cleaned?

If you witness localized flooding, please mark the inlet as “clogged” in the Adopt-A-Basin app.

When will my catch basin appear on the Adopt-A-Catch Basin map?

Adopted catch basins will show up in the Adopt-A-Catch Basin App as well as in other various public facing maps online. Please note that it may take up to a week for your catch basin to be approved.